Online Therapy For Mental Health | The Art of Emotions Creative Therapy Programme
The Art of Emotions
Have you ever thought about what you do with your emotions? Sometimes it’s hard to express what we think and feel, but not being able to do this can cause problems for us. This online therapy for mental health creative programme will show you how to use emotions in positive ways and appreciate how valuable they are.
So often people react to their emotions by denying or avoiding them. You are invited to explore your emotions with the support of this unique and enlightening programme. This is an opportunity for you to learn creative methods that you can use every day to translate your emotions into information that will guide you through life. You will be shown ways to;
- Creatively articulate your thoughts and feelings.
- Learn how your thoughts affect your emotions and behaviour.
- Process your emotions in ways that will benefit you now and in the future.
- Experience the ways that creativity gives you access to your unconscious mind.
- Improve your mental and emotional well-being.
- Improve your relationships with others.
Learning Resources
- Thirteen themed modules with text and video extracts from Art Clinic workshops.
- Online activity worksheets for each module, to help you to creatively reflect on your thoughts and behaviour and recognise areas where you would benefit from making changes.
- One to one correspondence with a creatives arts therapist, who will work alongside you to explore your reflections and support you to make positive changes.
The activities are a combination of drawing, creative writing, visualisations and discussion. To get the most out of the exercises we suggest that you approach them with an open mind, spontaneity, bravery and honesty.
At the end of each exercise, you have the option to submit your work to a therapist. In response to all submissions, you will receive confidential correspondence via email. You will be asked to discuss your experience of doing the activities and invited to work through any issues that have emerged for you. This may involve being given further personalised activities.
To use the full programme and resource materials you will need to register.
Once registered click on the door and key at the end of each chapter to use the activity worksheets.
Start now.
To register press here.
Contact Details
07403 620 529