Private Therapy Introduction

As a qualified and registered creative therapist I offer face to face private therapy in Liverpool, Merseyside and online services to people in other locations.  In therapy, clients explore any difficult emotional challenges that they are dealing with. In my sessions, I provide a safe, confidential, private therapy space where clients can work through personal emotional issues they are experiencing using creative therapy techniques.

What is Therapy For?

Personal therapy helps people to work though difficult emotions that are affecting their lives. Personal therapy can help people to develop their emotional intelligence by giving them the tools to respond to their emotions in productive ways. In personal therapy people can find out more about what things activate or trigger them and why this happens. In private therapy people  have the opportunity to investigate any accumulated anxieties and to find out what can be done to release these anxieties or help them to subside. This gives people a framework to become emotionally empowered and increase their resilience. Personal therapy is an empowering process. Through private therapy people work to become increasingly centred in their own unique power and individuality. Through personal therapy people are supported to integrate all aspects of their personality in order to increase their ability to function as a whole, unique, centred and balanced being.

It is beneficial for people to have access to a private space where they can speak in confidence about anything that is causing them concern or discomfort and to be supported to move through difficult times in their lives.

Creativity in Therapy

During therapy sessions, I use an integrative approach. I employ a range of conceptual and expressive creative therapy methods. I use conversation, drawing, creative writing, visualization, story work, movement, drama and play.  By using these creative therapy methods, I give my clients the tools that they can use to gain insight into their emotional and cognitive processes and the holistic impact that these processes have in their lives. Being a fully qualified creative therapist gives me the opportunity to witness many wonderful transformations.  I am continually delighted with the transformative power of art and creativity within therapeutic processes.

What Happens in Therapy Sessions?

I use creative therapy to help clients to identify and to process their thoughts and emotions. Within the private therapy sessions, I introduce creative therapy techniques to explore those ‘life/thought’ experiences which have impacted the client’s ability to function effectively or to fully ‘show up’ in the world. Using creative therapy techniques I work with clients to find ways to heal and integrate parts of themselves that have been hurt, damaged, rejected, forgotten or ignored. Together we explore how adjustments can be made in areas where thoughts, memories and beliefs etc have become obstacles to the clients’ well-being. The work done during therapy facilitates bringing these parts into conscious alignment. This is to help the client experience themselves as a whole functioning being.

Benefits of Therapy

During therapy, people embark on a journey to heal from past events, discover who they are and what they want. Private therapy is an opportunity to learn how to live their lives with authenticity. The journey can be challenging, it requires bravery and honesty. Ultimately the journey is rewarding as it enlightens the client and frees them from some of the effects of unhelpful internal processes.

What Are The Aims of Therapy?

The aim of therapy is to assist people to feel better and to function well. The work that is done in the therapeutic space help will people to recognise, acknowledge, understand, honour and integrate all aspects of the Self. For example, it is often the case that sensitive, hurt and vulnerable parts of the Self are shutdown or hidden.  This can create blockages or obstacles to responding appropriately to situations. The personal therapeutic journey can help a client to re-discover and re-visit those aspects of themselves that have become problematic.  A client may have parts they experience as being weak, damaged or bad.  In personal therapy sessions, I provide my clients with the private space to explore all aspects of themselves and to look at what can be healed or restored.

How Much is Private Therapy?

Private therapy costs £50 per session. The sessions are one hour long. At the moment all private therapy sessions are online via video call. I accept bank transfer or PayPal payments.

Contact me using the form below for private therapy enquiries.